Premature Ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems faced by men today. It is characterized by a man ejaculating very soon during sexual intercourse; it creates a problem if the ejaculation occurs before or just after sexual intercourse begins
This is a very frustrating problem for men and can cause dissatisfaction not only for himself but also for his partner. It can lead to negative consequences for their relationship such as stress and loss of intimacy between the partners. Men who suffer from this condition usually feel a loss of self-confidence and low self-esteem. Another problem that it can cause is problems with fertility, some couples may find it very hard to conceive and have children if premature ejaculation is not treated properly.
The causes of premature ejaculation include erectile dysfunction, anxiety about sexual performance, relationship problems, abnormal hormone levels, certain types of thyroid problems and abnormal levels of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals).
Fortunately, premature ejaculation is easily curable and at Doctor Amit Joshi Clinic we take pride in our record of successfully treating our patients. The premature ejaculation treatment consists of identifying both the psychological as well as physical factors of each individual case and treating them with one or a combination of counseling, different sexual techniques and medication to relieve them of this embarrassing problem.
If you suffer from premature ejaculation then we strongly recommend that you take our expert consultation to cure yourself as soon as possible and be on your way back to not only enjoying sex again by lasting longer during sexual intercourse but also satisfying your partner in bed. This will lead you to regain your self-confidence and earn back your partners respect.