Nowadays many men suffer from the issue of erection disorders, curved penis, and premature ejaculation. Some men even experience a terrible decrease in self-confidence due to lower sex drive or inability to offer sexual pleasure to their partner. While men are hesitant to discuss such problems openly and tend to ignore them, it is suggested to seek professional help from an expert sexologist who can help them with such problems. With the advancement of medical science and treatment approaches, there are many surgical-free, painless and quick therapies available to address such problems in men. P Shot is one of the most effective Penile Enhancement treatments that is safe, effective and has shown significant results in terms of sexual wellness.

About P Shot (PRP Treatment)
The P shot (PRP treatment) is a drug-free and surgery-free erectile dysfunction remedy that may improve your sexual performance and is one of the few non-surgical procedures for increasing penis size. P SHOT (PRP TREATMENT) is an injectable treatment that focuses on the healing and growth factors in your blood. PRP improves blood flow to the penis, leading to erections that are harder, longer, and more durable. The PRP Therapy is designed to provide long-term effectiveness with minimum pain. It’s a medicinal breakthrough for male sexual enhancement. Many patients who have had the p shot (PRP treatment) have experienced the following effects-
  • Firmer, and more sustainable erections that last for a longer time
  • Reduction in the premature ejaculation in males
  • Heightened sexual drive and increased satisfaction and pleasure
  • Improved Sexual Confidence and Self-Esteem
How Does P Shot Work?
Some of the more common disorders that affect the testes include the following:

The P shot (PRP treatment) is a drug-free and surgery-free erectile dysfunction remedy that may improve your sexual performance and is one of the few non-surgical procedures for increasing penis size. P SHOT (PRP TREATMENT) is an injectable treatment that focuses on the healing and growth factors in your blood. PRP improves blood flow to the penis, leading to erections that are harder, longer, and more durable. The PRP Therapy is designed to provide long-term effectiveness with minimum pain. It’s a medicinal breakthrough for male sexual enhancement. Many patients who have had the p shot (PRP treatment) have experienced the following effects-

  • Firmer, and more sustainable erections that last for a longer time
  • Reduction in the premature ejaculation in males
  • Heightened sexual drive and increased satisfaction and pleasure
  • Improved Sexual Confidence and Self-Esteem
How Does P Shot Work?

The P SHOT (PRP TREATMENT) involves extracting and injecting your own plasma-enriched growth factors (PRP) into particular parts of the penis using a specialized method. The centrifuge divides red and white blood cells from stem cells and growth factors. The super-concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma is what’s left, and it aids in the rebuilding of tissue formation in the penis. It improves your sexual wellness by utilising the healing potential of growth factors and stem cells. If you are experiencing any of the following conditions, you can be an ideal candidate for the P Shot therapy-

  1. Inability to enjoy pleasure or lower sex drive
  2. Failure in getting proper erection
  3. Medical issues such as high Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Obesity etc.
  4. Suffering through medicational side effects
  5. Inability remain erected until your partner reaches the culmination of pleasure
  6. The shrinking of the penis is due to various factors (ageing is one of them)
  7. Having a significant curvature of the penis known as Peyronie’s Disease and having pain during intercourse

The impacts of the P Shot can be seen as early as the third to fourth week. Generally, it can take up to 12 weeks to show the desired results.  The effectiveness of P Shot therapy varies from person to person.

The Benefits Of P Shot Treatment

  • A quick and safe method that allows you to enjoy intercourse with proper satisfaction from the day of the therapy received
  • P Shot Therapy offers immediate results and you can feel increased sex drive and penis sensitivity.
  • The therapy enhances your sexual life and therefore, boosts your self-esteem and confidence.
  • P Shot also helps in getting some length and girth of the penis for a larger and fat erection
  • P Shot is a small procedure (only take 2 hours maximum) and you will feel minimal discomfort during the procedure
  • Once you have taken the P shot therapy, you will enjoy better intercourse without the need for ED medications
  • It will also improve your sexual performance in bed and your intimate relationship will be well-nurtured
  • P Shot only requires you to pay a single visit to OPD and it is a one-time procedure
Is There Any Risk Associated With P Shot Therapy?

The P SHOT (PRP Therapy) is a procedure that takes place in the doctor’s office. It takes about 2 hours and is quick and painless. There are almost no negative impacts because it is made from your own plasma. Many men are able to engage in sexual activity on the same day as their procedures. P SHOT (PRP TREATMENT) should only be done by a professional with substantial experience in such treatments. In India, Dr Amit Joshi is a licenced P shot practitioner. Make your PShot Therapy appointment today!

P Shot For Penile ENHANCEMENT Treatment in Jaipur by Dr Amit Joshi Sexologist in Mediva Hospital Jaipur ! Best Sexual Health & Wellness Hospital in Jaipur.

Book your appointment for P shot