Everything You Need To Know About Male Infertility

Since time immemorial, there has been a general misconception about fertility issues. Even today, most people consider it to be a woman’s problem alone; that something is physically not okay with the woman. Too appalling that most people are not aware but male infertility is quite a common issue. If you have recently discovered that you are dealing with male infertility issues or want to know the whats and whys of the condition, this content piece can help you understand the issue, its causes, and the available treatment options.

What is Male infertility?

Any health condition in a man that lowers his chances of getting his female partner pregnant is known as male infertility. Having a baby is generally a natural and simple process. But unfortunately, there are couples for whom the experience can be tough and it can be difficult for them to conceive. Approximately, 13 out of every 100 couples fail to make their partners pregnant even with unprotected sex. According to medical reports, 1 in every 7 couples is infertile, which means for some reason or the other, they have not been able to conceive a child, even after trying unprotected sex for more than a year. In half of these cases, male infertility is the major contributing factor for the infertility issue in the couple.

What is Male infertility?What happens in male infertility?

A man plays a significant role in making his female partner pregnant since the pregnancy depends upon the quality and the quantity of his sperm. In case the male fails to produce the required amount of sperm or the sperm is of poor quality, it may be impossible for the male to impregnate his female partner. If you and your partner are trying to conceive a baby but failing to do so even after trying unprotected sex for more than a year, you should check with a urologist or an infertility specialist.




Grades of sperm motility

Complications of male infertility

When to consult a doctor for male infertility?

One should contact a doctor if one is unable to conceive a child after a year of frequent, unprotected sex or if one experiences any symptoms and signs of male infertility. A man should also consult a specialized urologist if he notices any form of abnormalities in his scrotum or testicles such as swelling in any veins in the scrotum or unusual sensation and swelling in testicles. If the man experiences any difficulty in maintaining an erection or ejaculating, he should consult with a urologist at the earliest to rule out potential complications.
Questions to ask your doctor

  • Am I the right candidate for the treatment?
  • What are the chances that I can father a baby after the treatment?
  • Can my partner accompany me during the procedure?
  • Is the complete treatment confidential at your clinic/ hospital? Will others get to know about my problem?
  • Can you give me a clear picture of the expenses so that I can prepare accordingly?
  • Is your team trained and efficient enough to help me in the whole process?
  • What if we do not succeed? Is there any alternative?

Video on the disease and treatment - by Mediva Hospital doctor

Frequently Asked Questions

First, talking about sex with me helps you get more comfortable talking about sex with your partner. It is a way to practice what many think “should” be natural, but doesn’t feel quite that way. Many of my clients tell me that no one talked about sex in their families when they were growing up. Not talking about it can convey a message: sex is dirty.

Second, you may have unrealistic ideas about sex or just plain misconceptions that you are not aware of. Through talking with me, these things can come to light. Think of it as very personalized sex education – where you can ask ANY question without fear of being judged.

Many people shy away from speaking directly to their partners in order to keep from hurting their feelings. I can help you get very clear about what you are wanting and needing from your partner, and then help you practice saying it. And of course we will work together to choose your words carefully. Most people would prefer to know what works well for their partner and what doesn’t. Couples need to think of this type of communication as “learning each other” – they can’t just know what their partner wants without some input.

With any sexual issue, I would recommend that you get a full physical to rule out physical causes. Don’t forget to ask if any medications that you are taking could be responsible for your drop in desire, or difficulty achieving orgasms. That said, there is ALWAYS some emotional piece to a sexual problem. Ignoring the emotional piece can waste time and energy that could have been spent remedying the problem.

I would be happy to offer you a complimentary initial phone consultation. That way, you can get a sense of how I work, and feel more comfortable making an appointment .Wouldn’t you love to feel free of the guilt you are carrying around as you avoid sex? Wouldn’t you like to fully enjoy your lovemaking with your husband or wife or your partner ? This is what i do for my patients – I help them get to this point where sex is not “an issue” but is a natural and satisfying way of connecting to your partner